Part I presents results for TDHF calculations of realistic heavy-ion reactions. Results for a separable approximation, neglecting motion normal to the scattering plane, agree very well with the results of the full 3-D calculation. Results for the fusion cross section of two systems leading to the compound nucleus 56Ni are compared with experimental data. The 16O + 40Ca results agree quite well with the experimental data, and the 28Si + 28Si results agree quite well with experimental data for the similar 32S + 27Al system. Results of calculations with the separable approximation for 86Kr + 139La are compared with both axially symmetric calculations and experimental results. All three show substantial agreement.
Part II presents a stability criterion for the validity of TDHF solutions based on a time-dependent generalization of RPA theory. Results are tested in an exactly soluble model, the SU(3) generalization of the Lipkin model. Unfortunately, the exact solution could not be computed for a large enough number of particles to permit quantitative testing of this criterion. However, it does seem to correctly indicate the stability or instability of the TDHF path.