Cross sections for the 9Be(p,d) and (p,α) reactions have been measured for proton lab energies of 30 to 700 KeV. Angular distributions were measured for energies of 100 to 600 KeV. Absolute normalization of the cross sections was done by measuring cross sections for Rutherford scattered alpha particles. The maximum cross sections observed at the 330 KeV Jπ = 1- resonance were (360±20) mb for (p,α) and (470±30) mb for (p,d). The value of Scm (E=0) for the combined cross sections was estimated to be (35-15+45) MeV-barn.
The reaction data were interpreted in terms of an R-matrix compound nucleus model. There were no obvious effects due to direct reactions. The low energy behavior of the cross sections was fitted by using three 10B resonance levels; a Jπ = 2+ level at -20 KeV (cm), a 1- level at 310 KeV and a 1+ level at 410 KeV.