The cross section for the reaction, T(d,γ)5Heg.s., has beenmeasured over the range of deuteron bombarding energies extendingfrom 2 MeV to 12 MeV. A solid ZrT target was employed, and the crosssections were normalized by comparison with the well-known crosssections for the T(d,γ)4Heg.s. reaction. A well shielded, 8" diameterby 5" long NaI(Tl) crystal, 31" from the target, was used to detectthe capture γ-radiation. Time-of-flight techniques were employed tosuppress cosmic-ray background and neutron background arising mainlyfrom the T(d,n)4He reaction. Serious pulse pile-up problems wereencountered because of an intense flux of lower energy gamma raysarising mainly from contaminants in the target.
For a set of optical model potentials that describe the T + ddifferential elastic scattering, the direct radiative capture crosssection for T(d,γ)5He was calculated. Although the cross section isunder-predicted by about a factor of two, the calculated energydependence of the cross section is similar to that observed.