The various singularities and instabilities which arise in the modulation theory of dispersive wavetrains are studied. Primary interest is in the theory of nonlinear waves, but a study of associated questions in linear theory provides background information and is of independentinterest.
The full modulation theory is developed in general terms.In the first approximation for slow modulations, the modulation equations are solved. In both the linear and nonlinear theories, singularities and regions of multivalued modulations are predicted. Higher order effectsare considered to evaluate this first order theory. An improved approximation is presented which gives the true behavior in the singular regions. For the linear case, the end result can be interpreted as the overlap of elementary wavetrains. In the nonlinear case, it is found that a sufficiently strong nonlinearity prevents this overlap. Transition zones with a predictable structure replace the singular regions.
For linear problems, exact solutions are found by Fourierintegrals and other superposition techniques. These show the true behavior when breaking modulations are predicted.
A numerical study is made for the anharmonic lattice toassess the nonlinear theory. This confirms the theoretical predictions of nonlinear group velocities, group splitting, and wavetrain instability, as well as higher order effects in the singular regions.