This dissertation is written in three tracks. Track 1, (Pages ii-vi)is intended for those many many people who don't know any physics but whodo know how to read English and a bit of Hungarian perhaps.
Track 2 is intended for those one hundred or so people in the wholeworld who do know classical physics and have serious interests in, orare experts in relativity theory. Papers 1, 2 and 3 dealing with relativity are entirely Track 2.
The remaining paper is Track 3 and is for the benefit of even fewerpeople who have a simultaneous interest in relativity and quantum fieldtheory.
I will not discuss the abstracts of the individual papers here -since each paper is preceded by its own abstract. Suffice it to say that thisdissertation is a collection of papers dealing with the theoreticalaspects of how gravitational waves may (or may not) be generatedby gravitational bremsstrahlung, and in Paper 4 Walter and I try toshow that some classical relativity problems may be solved with muchgreater ease via a quantum approach.