The energy loss of protons and deuterons in D_2O ice has beenmeasured over the energy range, E_p 18 - 541 kev.The doublefocusing magnetic spectrometer was used to measure the energy of theparticles after they had traversed a known thickness of the icetarget. One method of measurement is used to determine relativevalues of the stopping cross section as a function of energy; anothermethod measures absolute values. The results are in very good agreementwith the values calculated from Bethe’s semi-empirical formula.Possible sources of error are considered and the accuracy of themeasurements is estimated to be ± 4%.
The D(dp)H^3 cross section has been measured by two methods.For E_D = 200 - 500 kev the spectrometer was used to obtain themomentum spectrum of the protons and tritons. From the yield andstopping cross section the reaction cross section at 90° has beenobtained.
For E_D = 35 – 550 kev the proton yield from a thick targetwas differentiated to obtain the cross section. Both thin and thicktarget methods were used to measure the yield at each of ten angles.The angular distribution is expressed in terms of a Legendre polynomialexpansion. The various sources of experimental error areconsidered in detail, and the probable error of the cross sectionmeasurements is estimated to be ± 5%.