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A Spatial Approach to Identify Slum Areas in East Wara Sub-Districts, South Sulawesi
[摘要] Spatial approach is one of the main approaches of geography, its analysis emphasizes the existence of space that serves to accommodate human activities. The dynamic development of the city area brings many impacts to the urban community's own life patterns. The development of the city center which is the center of economic activity becomes the attraction for the community that can bring influence to the high flow of labor both from within the city itself and from outside the city area, thus causing the high flow of urbanization. Urbanization has caused an explosion in urban population and one implication is the occurrence of labor-clumping in major cities in Indonesia. Another impact of the high urbanization flow of cities is the problem of urban settlements. The more populations that come in the city, the worse the quality of the existing settlements in the city if not managed properly. This study aims to determine the location of slum areas in East Wara Sub-Districts using remote sensing technology tools and Geographic Information System (GIS). Parameters used to identify slum areas partially extracted using remote sensing data and for parameters that cannot be extracted using remote sensing data, information obtained from field surveys with information retrieval based on reference data. Analysis results for slum settlements taken from the parameters indicate that the East Wara Sub-District has the largest slum areas located in Pontap village. The village of Pontap has two classes of slums that are very shabby and slums. Slum classes are also in Surutangga Village. The result of the analysis shows that the slum settlement area has 46,324 Ha, which is only located in Pontap Village, whereas for the slum class are found in some villages of Pontap and Surutangga Urban Village, there are 37.797 Ha area. The class of slum settlement areas has the largest proportion of the area among other classes in East Wara Subdistrict. The class of slum settlement areas has an area of 74,481 Ha. This class is located in Kelurahan Salekoe and Kelurahan Benteng. The less grungy and quite shabby class is the rest which each has an area of 29,144 Ha and 18,228 Ha. There is quite a slum class in Kelurahan Ponjale and Less Slum Class Available in Malatunrung Urban Village.
[发布日期]  [发布机构] Geomatics Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam; 29461, Indonesia^1;Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam; 29461, Indonesia^2;Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta; 55281, Indonesia^3
[效力级别] 计算机科学 [学科分类] 计算机科学(综合)
[关键词] Dynamic development;Economic activities;Human activities;Remote sensing data;Remote sensing technology;Slum Area;Spatial Approach;Urban population [时效性] 
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