Response to Farmer (2008): Limitations of Statistically Derived Population Estimates, and Suggestions for Deriving National Population Estimates for Shorebirds
[摘要] Farmer (2008:yy) uses recent data collected on Buff-breasted Sandpiper (
Tryngites subruficollis) and Long-billed Curlew (
Numenius americanus) to demonstrate how science can "establish institutional research priorities that form the basis for lists of high-priority birds." He goes on to say that in both cases there was a fair amount of "anchoring" (Tversky and Kahneman 1974) and that new results were overly scrutinized and rejected. Although we agree that these studies were critically reviewed, this analy-sis was appropriate and, contrary to what (
Farmer 2008) suggests, the results of these studies were used to derive final population esti-mates by (
Morrison et al. 2006).