An integrated communication model for marketing the UFS
[摘要] English: The higher education environment in South Africa has changed much in thepast decade. In transforming the higher education sector, markets were createdthat lead to the corporatisation of universities. Corporate universities arepredominantly characterised as institutions that follow a business model withinthe educational landscape. The University of the Free State (UFS) hasaccepted this new identity of corporate university in many ways. It is now alsotime to embrace it from a marketing communication, and specifically anintegrated communication (IC), perspective.The goal of this study was to develop an integrated communication model formarketing the UFS. In realising this goal, the marketing-related structures andprocesses at the UFS were explored among other matters. The integratedapproach to marketing and communication was dealt with as benchmark for theUFS and this approach directed a conceptual IC model for marketing the UFS.The conceptual model was subject to scrutiny by critical role-players at theUFS.Other critical issues explored were the higher education environment and itsmulti-cultural nature; the nature and scope of IC; and existing models of ICwhich were described and critically evaluated.A qualitative research approach was followed and the study was divided intofour phases. Grounded theory was employed as overarching research strategyfor all four phases, while other research strategies to gather and analyse datawere implemented during some of the phases.The main contribution of this study was a conceptual IC model formulated formarketing the UFS. Based on the scrutinising of several IMC and IC models, anumber of aspects were identified that was kept in mind when the IC model formarketing the UFS was developed. Furthermore, the basic principles of ICidentified after an extensive investigation into the relevant literature, wereinterweaved in the conceptual IC model suggested for use by the UFS.The study confirmed that cultural sensitivity is a necessity if an organisationwants to be successful in the diverse South African environment. The factorsthat impact on inter-cultural communication effectiveness in organisations weredescribed. It was explained that cultural differences manifest in an organisationin two ways, namely on an individual level, and on an organisational level. Theorganisational level indicators have specific relevance to this study.Organisational culture is also known as corporate culture. A number ofcorporate culture components that reflect an organisation with a strong culturewere identified and it was noted that the majority of corporate culturecomponents and integrated communication principles show significantresemblance. It is thus argued that the implementation of an IC model in amulti-cultural environment can foster a strong corporate culture.The scrutinising of the conceptual IC model by UFS role-players indicated thatthe majority of the respondents were positive about the model and were of theopinion that the model would address a number of marketing-related concernsand would provide a solution to some of the problems currently experiencedwith communication and marketing at the UFS.It was recommended inter alia that a number of structural changes with regardto the position of marketing and communication at the UFS be made. Processesthat should be put in place were highlighted, and several conduct changes wereadvised. The application of the conceptual IC model within the suggestedInstitutional Communication section was illustrated.
[发布日期] [发布机构] University of the Free State
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]