Die opleiding van motorwerktuigkundiges in die RSA: 'n evaluering in die lig van die vereistes vir uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys
[摘要] English: This dissertation is an endeavour to establish norms and guidelines for an outcomes basedcurriculum for motor mechanics by means of the evaluation and consideration of theeducation and training of learners in this field. Empowerment with regard to thisknowledge is regarded as a prerequisite for curriculum design.The focus is on education in which the following are regarded as key aspects:total/holistic education;complete education and training;integrated education;equivalent to other qualifications on the same level;differentiated exit points as requi red.A historical review briefly describes the development and course of apprenticeship trainingin South Africa. Assessment of the training is possible from the comparison of the differenttraining systems with reference to the course of events. Furthermore, valuable aspects ofthe old systems can be transferred to the new curriculum. Emanating from this are the basicguidelines to be considered for the design of a curriculum for motor mechanics.In a field survey of social research oral and written responses are the most common methodsof conveying information. Therefore the questionnaire plays an important part and caremust be taken in the design thereof. The entire process, design, distribution, analysis andevaluation must be carefully planned and executed. The processing of the data determines,to a large extent, the value and usability of the results.Curriculum designers must take the laws, regulations and recommendations intoconsideration. Structures and accompanying rules are established according to laws andhave a direct influence on approach and proceedings. The objectives of the two relevantacts portray largely the society-needs which also became evident from conversations withacademic staff of educational institutions. These can also be incorporated in the needs ofsociety in the situation analysis of the curriculum design.According to the Skills Development Act the development of learnerships for the motorindustry is primarily the prerogative of the MERSETA.Unit standards are the fundamental structures of outcomes based education. Related unitstandards are combined to constitute subjects and a specific combination of subjects forman education programme. The curriculum is the sum total of the intention to educate andthe educational programme which serves to develop and cultivate learners into productiveand responsible citizens.Curriculum design must be preceded by a thorough study of the essence thereof. Thisfoundation of curriculum design and the basis of outcomes based education are fundamentalin the design of a curriculum for motor mechanics. The chosen curriculum cycle is the basicstructure for the development of a curricular process. In the regulations andrecommendations of the authorities certain criteria for curriculum composition areThe needs of the various parties involved in education give an indication of the learningmaterial which should be included in the curriculum. From these needs the outcomes areformulated and the unit standards composed. Assimilated into the proposed curriculumstructure the needs and reasonable expectations of the various parties may be satisfied.Evaluation involves two aspects of the curriculum. The achievements of the education andtraining must be measured and assessed in the first instance and secondly the curriculummust be evaluated. The curriculum evaluation includes the education process - theexecution of the plan.From this dissertation three needs for further investigation have arisen. The first is anoutcomes based curriculum for motor mechanics which can meet the reasonableexpectations of various parties; the second is the determination of the value of credits, andthe third is the development of a career guidance programme.Fundamental to all education is the development and cultivation of the learners whichcannot be ignored. Total education is possible in outcomes based education despite thedifferentiated exit points.
[发布日期] [发布机构] University of the Free State
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]