Die aanwending van groepsmusiekaktiwiteite in die ontwerp en implementering van 'n klavierkurrikulum vir Suid-Afrikaanse laerskole
[摘要] ENGLISH ABSTRACT:South African education is currently moving in a new direction that is aimed atrepresenting all the cultures of the country. Music education is grouped as part of theArts and Culture learning area of Curriculum 2005 and the implication is thatinstrumental music teaching is being marginalized at the expense of general musicteaching. In the past these two were regarded as separate subjects that each had its owndedicated syllabus. This thesis is geared toward the preservation of instrumental musicteaching (in this case piano) as part of the Arts and Culture learning area of Curriculum2005 by means of a complementary teaching program whereby general music teachingand instrumental music teaching can be taught in conjunction with each other. Thisapproach is based on Gane (1996) who suggests activities and approaches to musiceducation that can support the co-operation between these two areas of music teaching.This thesis is an exploratory study to determine if co-operation between prescribed musiccurricula and the suggestions for music activities and approaches as proposed by Gane(1996), have the potential to bridge the gap between general music teaching andinstrumental music teaching. At the onset of this study it was not to test a predeterminedhypothesis, but rather to establish the possibility of a complementary teaching model formusic teaching. This research project was done according to the qualitative researchmethodology as it was done it was done in a social setting. This research project wasdone over a period of six months with a group of ten learners whose progress rangedfrom beginner to grade 2 level. A variety of music compositions was selected andapplied in the practice of the music lesson to demonstrate the application of the musicactivities as suggested by Gane (1996). The ultimate goal of the use of the musiccompositions was to indicate how prescribed and additional music can be explored tooptimize the learners' knowledge from the two fields of music learning. The followingsyllabi were used for this thesis: the British National Curriculum (1995), as well as theseSouth African syllabi: Curriculum for Extra-Curricular Music - piano (1993), the InterimSyllabus for Classmusic (1995), and Curriculum 2005 (1997). The reasons for the focuson these specific syllabi in this research project are as follows: firstly the British National Curriculum serves as framework for Gane's (1996) article Instrumental performance andthe National Curriculum: a possible partnership? and this forms the foundation for thisthesis; secondly the Curriculum for Extra-Curricular music (piano) deals withinstrumental music teaching and the Interim Syllabus for Classmusic deals with generalmusic teaching and these are the two aspects of music teaching in South Africa whichthis thesis aim to bring together; and lastly the Curriculum 2005 (1997) is the curriculumwhereby education is currently being practiced in South Africa.The most important finding of this study is that the proposed teaching method isworkable for music education if certain conditions as is discussed in chapter 4 are inplace. It has also been found that because this is an exploratory study, there is room formore empirical research in this regard. In conclusion it can be said that since this studyrevealed the possibility for an exploratory teaching method for music teaching, thisteaching method does have merit.
[发布日期] [发布机构] Stellenbosch University
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]