'n Evaluering van die semantiese inligting in die verklarende handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal
[摘要] ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An evaluation of semantic information in a dictionary must take into account all aspects of meaning oflexical items. Therefore the different homonyms and polysemous senses of lexical items and theunderlying semantic relations between lexical items are accounted for.A description should be given of the lexical items which form the macrostructure of HAT. Theselexical items include sublexical, multilexical and free lexical items. The treatment of multilexical itemsin HAT is not satisfactory at present and suggestions are made for the improvement of the situation.Possible solutions for distinguishing between homonymy and polysemy are given. Suggestions todetermine the possible polysemous senses of a lexical item are also made. The ordering of polysemoussenses and different homonyms are discussed. It is essential to make use of a synchronic criterion todistinguish between homonymy and polysemy.The HAT's treatment of semantic relations between lexical items is not always very succesfull. Thesemantic relation which receives the most substantial treatment is that of semantic inclusion betweenlexical items. The HAT's treatment of synonyms is not without problems. More attention should begiven to semantic linking and semantic opposition between lexical items.An evaluation of the system of cross-references in HAT is given, with special reference to the functionof cross-references. Sometimes indistinct typographical conventions are used and they confuse theuser of the dictionary. The indistinct use of typographical conventions has a detrimental influence onthe transfer of information. The cross-reference system of HAT can be improved by an informativeexplanation in the general introduction, focusing on ways and means to use it more specifically,unambiguously and consistently.A distinction is made between various types of definitions used to define lemmas. Well knownlexicographic definitions such as definitions per genus et differentia, synonymdefinitions, exampledefinitions, circular definitions and descriptive definitions are discussed. The usage definition and twodefinitions which explicate a semantic plus value, the contrast and diminutive definitions, are identified.Attention is also given to the role of the general introduction in a standard synchronic dictionary.Suggestions are made to improve the general introduction of HAT.
[发布日期] [发布机构] Stellenbosch University
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]