Die ontwikkeling en evaluering van 'n opleidingsprogram in selfinsig
[摘要] ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Research conducted by Albert Ellis (1978) revealed that individuals'concepts of their own rational and irrational and/or dysfunctionalcognitions are important determinants of effective human functioning.The presence of these cognitions within an individual can have severalconsequences such as depression, neuroses and psychoses. It is clearfrom the literature (Ellis, 1978; Dryden & Gordon, 1990; Lodder,1993) that one of the causative factors in manifestations of emotionalinstability is individuals' lack of knowledge about their psyches.The general aim of this study is to develop a programme which lead topositive human functioning, including self-acceptance and selfempowerment,on the basis of a comprehensive study of the literatureon all possible coping skills (Lodder, 1993).Several approaches were considered which could promote Self-insight,namely rational-emotive therapy, transactional analysis and the use ofprojective techniques. Each of these aspects was dealt with fully andreasons are provided for the selection of rational-emotive therapy.Rational-emotive therapy provides participants with the necessaryknowledge to identify and combat their own irrational and/ordysfunctional cognitions.Before Ellis's cognitive questionnaire could be used in the evaluationprocess, the psychometric characteristics of the instrument had to bedetermined first. A further aim is to adapt Ellis's cognitivequestionnaire according to scientifically recognized procedures tomeasure human functioning on a rational -basis as a psychometricallyacceptable measuring instrument. A primary psychometricrequirement of a measuring instrument is that its items must besufficiently homogeneous to be able to regard them as criteria of asingle construct. Ellis's cognitive questionnaire (adapted)demonstrated a particularly satisfactory internal consistency (alphacoefficient = 0,89; N = 250).With the help of a factor analysis Ellis's cognitive questionnaire(adapted) was developed in such a way that the items in the subscaleswere all relatively pure measurements of the isolated factors.Furthermore, the results of the factor analysis produced five factorswhich could be linked relatively clearly to the five postulateddimensions of irrational cognition.To ascertain whether participation in the programme by 90 female and30 male administrative staff members did in fact lead to the envisagedresult, the Solomon four - group design was used to evaluate it.Evaluation of the programme was undertaken on the basis ofKirkpatrick's evaluation model by concentrating on the knowledge,reaction and behavioural levels. A knowledge test was used tomeasure knowledge, a reaction questionnaire was used for participantsreactions and Ellis's cognitive Questionnaire (adapted) for evaluation atthe behavioural level.The most important findings of the investigation could be summed upas follows:• The experimental group acquired significantly moreknowledge about irrational cognitions than the controlgroup did.• After the programme the experimental group madesignificantly more use of cognitive restructuring as acoping style than the control group did.• The experimental group revealed considerably fewerdysfunctional cognitions.Certain shortcomings also emerged from this investigation.Recommendations are made according to which these specificshortcomings can be addressed in future research in this field.
[发布日期] [发布机构] Stellenbosch University
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]