Geskeide vroue se ervarings en persepsies van hul aanpassing in die post-egskeidingsfase
[摘要] ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to gain understanding of the perceptions and experiences ofdivorced women in the postdivorce phase, with specific reference to rural divorcees.During intervention with divorced women the social worker ought to be informedabout the needs of divorcees, as well as be skilled to deal with the trauma of divorce.It is therefore necessary to understand how women experience the post-divorceprocess.The Systems, Ecological, Strengths and Feminist Perspectives are used as a frameof reference to understand the adaptation of divorced women. First, a study ofrelevant literature is undertaken which presents a broad review of the process ofdivorce; divorce as a mourning process, as well as the influence of divorce on thewomen and children. Attention is also devoted to literature on the adaptation ofwomen in the post-divorce phase. Second a qualitative, phenomenological researchsubject is chosen to explore the experiences and perceptions of divorced women'sadaptation during the post divorce-phase. Factors which obstruct adaptation, as wellas factors which stimulate personal growth, came to light during the empiricalresearch.Four themes unfolded from the research. The first theme relates to tension: tensionregarding finances; tension regarding health; tension arising from the overloading ofroles and tension resulting from the relationship with the ex-husband, as well as howdivorce is experienced int the rural areas. The second theme deals with spirituality:divorce as a spiritual crisis; deepenig spirituality; spirituality in the shaping of identityand facilitating to a large extent the mourning process. In the third theme varioussources of support are discussed, while the fourth theme focuses on the positiveside of divorce, namely personal growth.The before mentioned themes contain the challenges divorced women experienceduring the post-divorce phase. Recommendations focus on post-divorce interventionwhich are aimded to relief stress, strengthen spirituality, to obtain knowledge ofsupportsystems in the community, and also to stimulate the process of personalgrowth.
[发布日期] [发布机构] Stellenbosch University
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]