The terrestrial gastropods of the southern region of the state of Nuevo León were surveyed (december, 2001 - december, 2004). Samples were obtained from 35 localities, in differents vegetational types. The primary zoogeographical relationships are characterized by the presence of the endemics (34 species or subspecies: 40.48%, high value in northeastern México), those of neotropical and neartic affinities (27 species: 32.14%) and those exhibiting panamerican distributions (13 species: 15.48%). The three families with the largest number of endemic species (or subspecies) are the Spiraxidae and Urocoptidae (both with eight species), and the Humboldtianidae (five species). The vegetational types with the greatest biogeographical values are the gallery forest and pine forest. The highest values of malacofaunal similarities are between the submountain shrubs and savannah cultivation and also between the oak-pine forest and gallery forest.