Female apparel shopping behaviour within a multi-cultural consumer society : variables, market segments, profiles and implications
[摘要] ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society is a complexphenomenon. This study set out to identify the variables that influence female apparelshopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society and to determine whetherdistinct clusters of female apparel shoppers could be identified.Three theoretical models from the two study disciplines, Consumer Behaviour andClothing and Textiles, were investigated, i.e. the Sproles Model of Fashion Adoption,the Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model of Consumer Decision-Process Behaviour and DeKlerk's Clothing Consumer Decision-making Model. These models were synthesisedand developed further into a new conceptual theoretical model of variables influencingfemale apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society. The Macroconceptual theoretical model presented the variables under market dominatedvariables, market and consumer interaction variables and consumer dominatedvariables. The scope of the study was delimited by the choice of two primary variablesunder each classification, for further investigation. The variables investigated were:the place of distribution, the apparel product, shopping orientation, patronagebehaviour, socio-cultural influences (family, lifestyle and culture) and demographics.An overview of the South African apparel industry was provided and future trends inretailing were highlighted. Literature on shopping orientation as a variable wasextensively studied, resulting in a proposed new classification system. Lifestyle andcultural consciousness, i.e. the individualist and collectivist orientation, and the impactthereof on female apparel shopping behaviour were investigated.Data for this exploratory study were generated by means of a store-intercept researchmethod. A questionnaire was developed and trained fieldworkers undertook in-storeinterviews with approximately eight hundred female apparel shoppers representative ofthree population groups, African/black, coloured and white. The data analysis yieldedacceptable questionnaire reliability and multivariate statistics showed shoppingorientation and lifestyle to be multi-dimensional constructs with three componentseach. The three shopping orientation components were labelled shopping selfconfidenceand enjoyment; credit-prone, brand-conscious and fashion innovator and local store patronage. A Yuppie lifestyle, apparel-orientated lifestyle and a traditionallifestyle were the three labels ascribed to the lifestyle components.Three clusters of female apparel shoppers were formed by means of cluster analysis,according to the three components of lifestyle and shopping orientation respectively,the two cultural consciousness scales and eleven patronage behaviour items. Ademographic profile of each cluster completed the typology of the three female apparelshopper groups. Group one was the largest (49%) and was labelled Actualisers.Group two (28%) was labelled Strugglers and group three (22%) Aspirationals. Thefemale apparel shopper could therefore be successfully segmented into distinct marketsegments with statistically significant differences in profiles. The profiles showedsimilarities to international and South African typology research. The results arepresented in a conceptual model.The following main implications for manufacturers, marketers, retailers, researchers,educators and students can be stated:.:. Knowledge regarding consumers will be of paramount importance for survival in thecompetitive and more globally orientated 21st century .•:. The female apparel market is not homogeneous. Different groups of consumersrequire different types of products and will evaluate them differently. Moderntechnology such as CAD, EDI, QR and CIM should be implemented to assiststakeholders in this regard. Fashion changes rapidly and if the window ofopportunity is not seized, it is lost .•:. Different advertising and marketing strategies are necessary to reach the variousfemale apparel shopper groups. Special attention should be given to advertisingapproaches and media vehicles that will gain the attention of the various groups .•:. Electronic retailing and marketing will form a large part of future retailing andmarketing activities. Stakeholders should be geared towards seizing theseopportunities for growth..:. Researchers, educators and students will benefit from the application of theConceptual Theoretical Model - a Macro perspective. It could provide a conceptualframework for curriculum development, be used as an evaluation tool and assist inthe understanding of the complexities of variables impacting on female apparelshopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society.Recommendations for future research were made in order to encourage researchers toresearch the complex nature of female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-culturalconsumer society scientifically.
[发布日期] [发布机构] Stellenbosch University
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]