The objective of the present study was to evaluate environmental impacts caused by a system of shrimp farming in net-pen on water quality and on the structure of zooplanktonic community. The study was carried out in Baía de Guaratuba, were the cultivations were conducted in 300 net-pens (3.6 m in length, 3.6 m in width, and 2 m in depth), distributed in an area of approximately 4,200 m2 in 720 shrimp/m2 density. Concentrations of ammonia, nitrite and phosphate in the water were monitored and zooplankton samples were collected from cultivation sites (point 1) and from three other sites located approximately 200 m to the west, northeast and southeast from the tanks. Point 5, used as control, was at approximately 1,000 m southwest from the production site. Concentrations of amoniacal nitrogen, nitrite and phosphate did not differ among sampled points as well as the structure of zoopplantonic community, which was similar among the sampled points. No significant impacts of the enterprise on the quality of the water and on the structure of the zooplankton communities in the cultivation site and in adjacent areas was evidenced during the period in which the investigation was carried out.