Although fish nutritionscience is far from establishing general standards of nutritional requirements,the need for developing low impact feeds has long been included in the agendaof aquaculture's international scientific and business communities of. Not onlyis absolutely possible to formulate environmental friendly feeds, as it is necessarymodeling the formulation of these feeds. However, it is necessary higher accuracyto develop species-specific formulations, considering interactions of the biologyand nutritional physiology of the species with the feedstuffs and variationsof abiotic environment. The knowledge on more than 200 species of commerciallyfarmed fish is still incipient and fish production systems, in their most variedfarming conditions, are set up in every possible ecological conditions. In thisscenario, producing environmental friendly feeds is if not impossible, at leastvery, very difficult, depending on coordinated and positive action of producers,industry, regulatory agencies, and institutions of higher education and researchto define the parameters needed to achieve this goal.