Scientific knowledgeabout companion animal nutrition has increased incrementally, following thephenomenon seen in several areas of knowledge. In the last decade may be thepriority of research was directed to the use of nutrients in health promotion,prevention of degenerative diseases, improve quality of life and increased lifeexpectancy of dogs and cats. This direction of research is largely explainedby the importance that dogs and cats taken in people's lives, making that thedecisions of the owners about the nutrition of their animals resembled thosewhich adopt for themselves. The publication of the new revision of NutrientRequirements of Dogs and Cats in 2006 was perhaps the most significant recentdevelopment, bringing new understanding of energy and nutrient needs at differentdevelopmental stages and physiological states. Despite these advances, furtherresearch is needed in the area of physical-chemical characterization and useof ingredients, effects of the extrusion process and even nutritional needs,which has a small base of available articles, many of them quite old. Perhapsthe most important scientific challenge in nutrition of dogs and cats are carbohydratemetabolism, the importance of lean body mass in health, gerontology, the relationshipbetween intestinal microbiota and health, immunonutrition and the nutritionalmanagement of important clinical conditions specific to these animals.