The objective ofthis study was to evaluate the biometric and morphometric measures, regionalcomposition, carcass characteristics and non-carcass components of Santa Inêslambs submitted to levels of corn replaced by cactus pear in the diet. It wasused 45 Santa Ines non-castrated male lambs, with average initial live weightof 25.50 ± 0.48 kg as a completely randomized block design with five treatments(0; 25; 50; 70 and 100%) and nine replicates. There was an effect of the dieton slaughter weight, empty body weight, hot and cold carcass, cold carcass weight,shoulder weight and loin weight. Cactus pear can replace up to 75% of corn indiets for feedlot Santa Inês lambs, without compromising production, carcasscharacteristics and production of non-carcass components.