In the NelloreBreed Genetic Improvement Program (PMGRN) the breeding value predictions offive different traits are put together in a single number named Total GeneticMerit (MGT). This number is calculated from the Expected Progeny Differences(EPDs) of: weight at 120 days of age - maternal; weight at 120, 365 and 450days of age direct; and scrotal circumference at 365 and 450 days of age direct.The aim of this study was to identify and to describe the change in the MGTof bulls when information on their progenies are used. Twelve sires were selected,from a total database of 29,759 records, generating three files containing:individual performance; individual performance plus progeny performance; andindividual performance plus progeny and grandprogeny performance. Single analyseswere performed for all traits utilizing MTDFREML software (Multiple Traits DerivativeFree Restricted Maximum Likelihood). The fixed effects (contemporary groupsand cow age at calving) and the random effects (direct, maternal and permanentenvironmental) were included in the model for growth traits up to one year ofage. The same fixed effects were included in the model for scrotal circumferencetraits and for body weight taken after one year of age and the direct effectsas random effects. When the offspring data were added, ranking changes wereachieved between classes at most in two positions. When grandprogerny were added,no changes were found.