The impact of diversity in reporting on the editorial independence of small-scale regional community newspapers based in the Eastern Cape
[摘要] ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Journalism in South Africa has to be looked at in its historical context. South Africa wasa country characterised by disparities. The same can be said about the media in thiscountry. Mainstream media concentrated on the priviledged few and projected theirviews. On the other hand small regional community media aimed at marginalizedcommunities provided a voice for the voiceless. These small newspapers focused onthe disadvantaged, rural and semi-literate communities. As a result of the history of thiscountry, mainstream media neglected the marginalized communities.A need arose for redressing that imbalance and diversifying reporting. Smallcommunity newspapers were the means to achieve that. Unfortunately these newspapersfail to attract advertisers for various reasons. A large percentage of the marginalizedcommunities were unemployed and very few could afford to buy newspapers. One copyof a newspaper was shared by between eight (8) and ten (10) people and that meant lowcirculation figures. The level of literacy was low and those who were literate, had toread to those who could not. The advertising industry was and is still biased andprejudiced against community media.Most small community newspapers died because of these economic factors. This bringsabout a need for funding of these newspapers. Are funders prepared to pump moneywithout interfering with editorial independence of newspapers? This Assignment setsout to analyse the conflict between the necessity for diversity in reporting(accommodating the previously neglected) and journalistic independence (related to theneed for funding). For the purposes of this Assignment, the focus will be on smallregional community newspapers in the Eastern Cape, the Border/Kei- area in particular.The purpose of this Assignment is firstly to ascertain whether moves to diversifymedia/reporting are taking place - an ethical concern. Secondly to establish whetherthose who fund these newspapers interfere with their content.Various methods of research are used to establish the purpose of the Assignment.Research methodology in use reveals that attempts to diversify the media by focusingon marginalized communities becomes futile. The reason being that those who providefunding directly or indirectly impose their ideas on the newspapers. Small communitynewspaper then project the ideas of the priviledged people as result of the pressure fromfunding. It can be concluded that a solution that regards diversity in reporting and editorial independence as ethical principles is necessary (deontological model). Thatsame solution would have to provide consequences that benefit the greatest number ofpeople (utilitarian approach). Such a solution would in essence ensure the survival andsustainability of small regional newspapers and their editorial independence.
[发布日期] [发布机构] Stellenbosch University
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]