A therapeutic clinicaltrial (phase III) was conducted in the Prosthesis Department of the ProvincialDental Clinic of Santiago de Cuba aimed at evaluating the efficacy of the antiinflammatorytherapy with Vimang extract on the mucosa affected by grade I subprosthesisstomatitis in individuals wearing prostheses with acrylic bases. 100 patientswere selected. 80 of them met our requirements and received our services fromOctober 2005 to March 2006. They were divided at random into 2 groups of 40patients each: a control group and a study group. The patients were worriedabout aesthetics. The first group was indicated mouthwashes with Vimang infusionextract until they cured. In the second group, spontaneous regression, the prosthesiswas removed at night. They were evaluated at 3, 5 and 7 days to check theircure and adverse reactions. This time corresponded to the time devoted to theinvestigation. Chi square test with 95 % of confidence was used for the statisticalvalidation of data. Most of the patients cured on the 5th day and astringentmanifestations were observed. As the efficacy of the therapy with Vimang infusionwas proved, its use on the long term was recommended.
Key words:Grade I subprosthetic stomatitis, mouthwashes with Vimang infusion.