Hydrosalinity modelling of the Berg River using ACRUSalinity
[摘要] In recent years, concern about the water quality in the Berg River received a fair degree of attention,particularly with the imminent construction of the Berg Water Project (BWP). Particular concerns havebeen expressed about the water quality with respect to total dissolved salts (TDS) at Misverstand Dam. Inprevious studies (Fourie and Görgens, 1977) it was identified that the saline water was mostly generatedin the lower portion of the Berg River Catchment (Matjies, Moorreesburg and Sandspruit Rivers) and thatthe abstraction of acceptable quality water higher up in the Berg River could possibly result in salinityproblems at Misverstand Dam. Contrary to expectation, these studies also showed that for the most salinecatchments, a winter peak in TDS concentrations also existed.To help address these concerns, a Water Research Commission (WRC) project was initiated in 2003 inwhich the newly-developed salinity module of the daily Agricultural Catchment Research Unit (ACRU)agrohydrological model, known as ACRUSalinity, would be configured for the Berg River Catchment.This model had previously been configured and calibrated for the Mkhomazi Catchment (Teweldebrhan,2003) which exhibited relatively low streamflow TDS concentrations (100 mg/l) and it was deemednecessary to ascertain whether comparable TDS values could be simulated in the Berg River Catchment,where TDS concentration could rise to well above 1 000 mg/l in certain tributaries.In this project, ACRUSalinity was configured for the Berg River Catchment on a distributed basis, aimingto capture the spatial distribution of rainfall and geophysical characteristics which inherently exist in acatchment as expansive as the Berg. Initial application of the Beta version of ACRUSalinity to theBerg River Catchment revealed that it failed to produce simulated TDS values which were representativeof the observed data. It became evident that the model required both additional salinity-related functionsand modifications of existing functions. After the implementation of these algorithm changes thecorrespondence of simulated and observed TDS concentrations improved markedly.Verification of the ACRUSalinity simulated flows and calibration of the salinity-related parameters wasbased on the values of predefined objective functions. Reasonably representative flows could be obtainedprovided that the catchment discretisation and driver rainfall selection process were adequate. Salinityrelated parameters were determined purely on an iterative basis, although a priori estimation of theseparameters was possible. Preliminary interdependency tests of these parameters revealed that the finalcalibrated set of salinity-related parameters was probably not unique and that some a priori decisionmaking would be required when selecting the most realistic set of parameters. Quantification of the potential effect of the Berg River Dam on the TDS concentrations at MisverstandDam was achieved as follows: the ACRUSalinity model was verified for flow and calibrated for TDS atavailable and reliable flow gauging stations. This was then followed by a long-term simulation run whichyielded daily TDS time series for comparison, on an exceedance basis, with the observed record. Sincethe concern about the possible deterioration of water quality at Misverstand Dam was only a winterconcern (May to September), comparisons were only drawn over this period. The flow-routing option inACRUSalinity was not activated and a 1:1 daily comparison of flows and TDS concentrations, based onvalues of the objective function, was thus not possible. Results from this study showed that even with adaily model, the exceedance percentages of the TDS concentrations after the construction of the BergRiver Dam were comparable with the exceedance percentages obtained from the original monthlymodelling study (DWAF, 1993). In this study, however, it was possible to capture the increasing TDSconcentration which was evident over winter months in the observed data record for the Matjies Riverand Sandspruit River catchments.The testing of the model's effectiveness in the evaluation of engineering options was accomplished asfollows: several options for ameliorating the possible deterioration of water quality at Misverstand Damwere defined, based on its practicality and cost of implementation. For example, the Withoogte watertreatment works abstracts water from Misverstand Dam for supply to the West Coast region when waterquality is acceptable (i.e. a TDS lower than 450 mg/l). It was proposed that to minimise the effect ofperiods when no abstraction from Misverstand could occur due to unacceptable water quality, a secondreservoir at the treatment works should be lined and used to provide bridging storage for water fromMisverstand Dam when the water quality was acceptable. The calibrated ACRUSalinity model was thenmodified to reflect the physical attributes of this engineering scenario of interest to produce sets of flowand TDS time series which could be further analysed to determine assurance of supply, in terms ofpredetermined TDS concentration thresholds in Misverstand Dam. Using this particular engineeringoption, the analysis revealed that a 300 mg/l TDS upper-limit at Misverstand was too stringent and that450 mg/l was probably more realistic.
[发布日期] [发布机构] Stellenbosch University
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] [时效性]