Objectives:To present the results and analyze the variables involved in the treatment andprognosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal treated by radiotherapyand chemotherapy at the Hospital Barao de Lucena-SUS-PE. Methodology: Analysisof medical records of patients diagnosed with anal cancer treated by chemoradiation.The monitoring period was from June 1989 to June 2005. We included patients withhistologically confirmed cancer of the anal canal, framed in stages I, II, IIIaand IIIb, underwent two cycles of chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) at adose of 1g / m² / day continuous infusion 96 hours and cisplatin at a doseof 100 mg / m² administered at 6 hours the second day of infusion of eachcycle, administered on the first and third weeks of radiotherapy treatment regimen.Results: We evaluated records of 108 patients who met the criteria of the protocol.The mean follow-up was 51 months (1-182 months). There were more females (81.5%of patients). The age ranged from 33 to 83 years (mean 59 years). The most commonhistological type was squamous cell carcinoma (80.6% of cases). In 21 patients,was diagnosed Basaloid carcinoma. Regarding the degree of differentiation, themost prevalent type was moderately differentiated (61% of patients with squamouscell carcinoma). The rate of initial complete response was 89.8%. Eleven patientshad persistent tumor after radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The initial responserate was lower in complete stages IIIa and IIIb compared to stages I and II withstatistical significance (p <0.05). 14 patients developed recurrence, eightwith local recurrence (7.4%) and six (5.5%) with lymphatic recurrence and distance.CONCLUSIONS: The chemoradiation treatment of unique cell carcinoma of the analcanal, have complete response rate very high with acceptable morbidity. Surgicaltreatment still has its value in cases of persistent injury and / or local recurrence,with satisfactory results.