INTRODUCTION:Medicinal fungus may normalize intestinal function, increase appetite and reduceadverse effects caused by conventional cancer treatment.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the gastrointestinal alterations of patients withcolorectal cancer in post-operative phase after dietary supplementation withAgaricus sylvaticus fungus.
METHODOLOGY: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trialcarried out at the Federal District Hospital - Brazil, for six months. Samplesof 56 enrolled patients (24 men and 32 women), stadiums phase I, II and IIIfollowing specific criteria of inclusion and exclusion, divided into placeboand Agaricus sylvaticus (30mg/kg/day) supplemented groups: To evaluate the gastrointestinalalterations a form-standard and direct anamneses-standard method of analysiswas used. The method of analysis for results was qualitative and descriptive,using the Microsoft Excel 2003 and Epi Info 2004 for Windows, version 3.3.2programs.
RESULTS: After six months of treatment it was observed that the Agaricussylvaticus group had increased appetite and reduced constipation, diarrhea,alternate diarrhea/constipation, flatulence, flatus retention, pyrosis, postprandialfullness, nausea, abdominal distention and abdominal pain, fact not observedin the placebo group.
CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the dietary supplementation withAgaricus sylvaticus fungus can significantly improve the gastrointestinal alterationsof colorectal cancer patients in post-surgery phase promoting the quality oflife of these patients.