Amongst the causes of outlet obstruction, the anismus is most frequent and its diagnosis is made more frequently through electromyografy, considered as optimum examination for thisdiagnosis. The objective of this work is to verify the influence of anismus in the examinations of anal physiology. For this work 40 patients with diagnosis of outlet obstruction were separate in two groups had been studied: with and without anismus. All of the patients were submitted to manometric exams, rectal sensibility, electromyography, pudendal latency and defecography with the purpose of serving which ones exams would be important in the presence or notof the anismus. We didn´t observe differences between the two groups in relation to the carried through examinations, except in the electromyography that is considered standard gold and in the angle retal year in the defecography where in the patients with anismus it was significantly lesser.
CONCLUSION: the presence of anismus intervened with the results of the examinations of anal physiology only in the electromyography, considered standard gold for this diagnosis.