INTRODUCTION:Gastrointestinal cancer jeopardizes the quality of life through physiological,metabolic and psychological alterations. Medicinal fungus may boost the qualityof life of patients with cancer.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of the dietary supplementation with Agaricussylvaticus fungus in relation to the quality of life in patients with colorectalcancer during post-surgery phase.
METHODOLOGY: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trialcarried out at the Federal District Hospital Brazil, for six months.Samples of 56 enrolled patients (24 men and 32 women), stadiums phase I, IIand III, separated as placebo and Agaricus sylvaticus (30mg/kg/day) supplementedgroups: In order to evaluate indicators for quality of life, it was used form-standardand direct anamnese-standard. The method of analysis for results was qualitativeand descriptive, using the Microsoft Excel 2003 and Epi Info 2004 programs.
RESULTS: After six months of treatment, it was observed an increase ofadhesion to physical activity; improved disposition and good mood, reductionof complaints, pains, and alterations of sleep such as insomnia and bad nightsof sleep when Agaricus sylvaticus and placebo groups were compared.
CONCLUSION:The results suggest that the dietary supplementation with Agaricus sylvaticusmay improve the quality of life of patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma inpost-surgery phase.