Bowel obstructionis a frequent complication that exhibits variable clinical presentation andhigh morbidity. After conservative measures, laparotomy is performed for finaldiagnosis and treatment in a large number of patients. Besides the benefitsof the laparoscopic approach in the management of many diseases, its use duringthe initial evaluation of bowel obstruction has been limited and has raisedsome criticism. However, experience with method and technological-instrumentaladvances in recent years has facilitated the treatment of a greater number ofpatients with obstruction. Thus, the development of new instruments such aslaparoscopic staplers, less traumatic clamps and trocars had an important rolein the feasibility and safety of the laparoscopic approach in this setting.In this article, the authors present a revision about the use of video-surgeryin selected cases of intestinal obstruction, standing out the contribution ofminimally invasive methods for the diagnosis and therapeutics of this importantcomplication.