INTRODUCTION:The colonoscopy as a diagnostic and prevention tool has been increasinglyused for the prevention and treatment of the colon and rectum diseases. Thisrise is also seen in non pediatric teenagers under 20 years old.
METHOD: Between October 1998 and July 2006, 4354 patients were submittedto colonoscopy scope in one of the author's privet clinic. The files of 66 patientsunder 20 y/o were retrospectively analyzed. Histology was obtained for patientswith abnormal exams.
RESULTS: Medium age was 17,96 y/o (range 11 to 20). Thirty nine patientswere female and 27 male. The exam was normal in 40, Linfoid hiperplasic tissuewas found in 10, diverticulosis in 2, unspecific colitis in 1 and hyperplasicpolyps in 1 patient, totalizing 54 (81,81%) exams without any specific alteration.Colitis was observed in 10 and polyps in 5. Two patients have family historyof IBD and one of colon cancer.
CONCLUSION: Patient selection is crucial to avoiding unnecessary examsin non-pediatric patients under 20 years old.