OBJECTIVE:To analyze the retrospective results of the anatomopathological study of colonoscopicpolypectomies performed at the Sector of Endoscopy of the School of Medicineof Botucatu UNESP during the years of 2002 and 2003. Material and
METHODS: We studied in retrospect the characteristics of the polypsfound and removed during colonoscopies performed at our service, including:size, site of appearance and distribution, as well as the reasons for removaland the anatomopathological results.
RESULTS: In 100 polypectomies performed in 75 patients we observed that63% of the polyps were found in the area comprised by the sigmoid and the rectumand 15,8% were found in the left colon; the anatomopathological results showedthat most of them had adenomatous features (54%). The patients' age varied between6 and 92 years, with no predominance of any sex; the main indication for thecolonoscopies was history of bleeding.
CONCLUSION: We verified the important role of colonoscopies in diagnosingand treating the colorectal cancer; the results found showed that most of colonicpolyps are adenomatous, small and distal in their localization.