Leguminosas (Fabaceae) silvestres de uso medicinal del distrito de Lircay, provincia de Angaraes (Huancavelica, Peruxccx81)
[摘要] Se presenta un estudio etnobotaxccx81nico sobre las Leguminosas (Fabaceae) silvestres de uso medicinal de una regioxccx81n altoandina del Peruxccx81 (distrito de Lircay, provincia de Angaraes, departamento de Huancavelica). La metodologixccx81a se basoxccx81 en entrevistas semiestructuradas a 33 informantes clave, calculando el ixccx81ndice de Importancia Cultural. Se registran 12 gexccx81neros con 17 especies. Todas las plantas poseen por lo menos un nombre vernaxccx81culo y tienen usos adicionales a la categorixccx81a medicinal. Dos especies son comercializadas en Lircay: Desmodium molliculum y Otholobium pubescens. Se reportan nueve categorixccx81as de uso, siendo la categorixccx81a medicinal la que presentoxccx81 mayor nuxccx81mero de especies (17 especies) y la que tuvo maxccx81s reportes de uso (125 reportes). La Leguminosa con mayor Importancia Cultural es Senna versicolor, lo que demuestra que es la especie maxccx81s arraigada al conocimiento tradicional de los pobladores locales.
[发布日期] [发布机构]
[效力级别] [学科分类] 植物学
[关键词] What follows is an ethnobotanical study of wild medicinal Legumes from a high Andean region of Peru (district of Lircay;province of Angaraes;department of Huancavelica). The methodology was based on 33 semi-structured interviews with key informants;and the Cultural Importance Index was calculated. A total of 12 genera with 17 species were recorded. All of the plants possessed at least one vernacular name and in addition to their medicinal function had other uses. Two species are traded in the Lircay: Desmodium molliculum and Otholobium pubescens. Nine categories of use were reported;with the medicinal category registering the highest number of species (17 species) and the greatest number of reported uses (125 reports). The legume of greatest cultural importance is Senna versicolor;which was shown to be the most deeply-rooted plant in the traditional knowledge of the local. [时效性]