Best Practices for Land Administration Systems in Developing Countries
[摘要] This paper is a post-conference summaryof the International Conference on Land Policy Reform thattook place in Jarkarta from July 25-27, 2000. The paperconcerns best practice in land administration systems. Whilethe paper is focussed on world's best practice, it doesso in the context of developing and emerging industrialcountries such as Indonesia which have diverse land tenurerelationships ranging from areas in cities with active landmarkets approaching modem land markets, to whole provinceswhich are almost completely under traditional or customarytenure. Each country has different requirements forcadastral and land administration infrastructures due totheir specific social, legal, cultural, economic,institutional and administrative circumstances. The paperhighlights some common principles in the design andimplementation of land administration infrastructures thatare usually applicable for countries such as Indonesia,either now or in the foreseeable future. Not all principleswill be applicable for all countries. The paper discussesthe principles under the following headings: 1) land policyprinciples, 2) land tenure principles, 3) landadministration and cadastral principles, 4) institutionalprinciples, 5) spatial data infrastructure principles, 6)technical principles, 7) human resource developmentprinciples. The paper concludes by highlighting theimportance of developing a vision for a land administrationsystem within each country.
[发布日期] 2000-07-21 [发布机构] World Bank, Washington, DC
[效力级别] [学科分类] 社会科学、人文和艺术(综合)