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Assessment of Load and Energy Reduction Techniques (ALERT).
[摘要] An ALERT (Assessment of Load and Energy Reduction Techniques) assessment of selected facilities in the Field area of the Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC) was performed during November 15-17, 2005. The ALERT team included two engineers from the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The ALERT team was provided with excellent assistance by RMOTC staff members that included the Field Operations Manager, ESS&H Manager, Project Engineer, Facilities Engineer, and RMOTC Manager. The RMOTC Field Site Area is located approximately 35 miles North of Casper, Wyoming in the South-central part of Wyoming at an elevation of around 5,300 feet above sea level. The location typically has cold, windy winters. The Field Site is comprised of a group of about 8 facilities that are used regularly or intermittently to perform field operations and community outreach.
[发布日期]  [发布机构] Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 工程和技术(综合)
[关键词] Electricity;Energy efficiency;Energy sources;Energy conumption;Financing [时效性] 
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