颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2006 |
实施时间:2006 |
学科分类:[["Dissertations, --, African, languages",, "Theses, --, African, languages",, "Assignments, --, African, languages",, "Dissertations, --, Southern, Sotho, language",, "Theses, --, Southern, Sotho, language",, "Assignments, --, Southern, Sotho, language",, "Language, and, languages, --, Ability, testing",, "Second, language, acquisition, --, Ability, testing",, "Task, analysis, in, education",, "Small, business",, "Sotho, language, --, Study, and, teaching",, "Business, communication",, "Sotho, language, --, Ability, testing"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Bible., O.T., --, Language,, style",, "Bible., O.T., --, Criticism,, Narrative",, "Narration, in, the, Bible",, "Hebrew, language, --, Discourse, analysis",, "Hebrew, language, --, Topic, and, comment",, "Focus, (Linguistics)",, "Dissertations, --, Ancient, studies",, "Theses, --, Ancient, studies"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2002 |
实施时间:2002 |
学科分类:[["Bible, --, Translating",, "Bible., --, O.T., --, Isaiah, --, Language,, style",, "Semantics",, "Translating, and, interpreting",, "Componential, analysis, (Linguistics)",, "Language, and, culture",, "Hebrew, language, --, Lexicography",, "Ethics, in, the, Bible",, "World, view",, "Dissertations, --, Ancient, Near, Eastern, Studies",, "Theses, --, Ancient, Near, Eastern, Studies"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2001 |
实施时间:2001 |
学科分类:[["Group, work, in, education",, "English, language, --, Study, and, teaching, (Higher), --, Foreign, speakers"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Witwatersrand] |
颁布时间:1998 |
实施时间:1998 |
学科分类:[["Bilingualism, in, children, --, South, Africa.",, "Children,, Black, --, Education,, Primary, --, South, Africa.",, "Second, language, acquisition.",, "Language, and, education, --, South, Africa."]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:1991 |
实施时间:1991 |
学科分类:[["Mass, media, in, education",, "Afrikaans, literature, --, Study, and, teaching, (Secondary)",, "Afrikaans, language, --, Composition, and, exercises",, "Dissertations, --, Education",, "Theses, --, Education",, "Dissertations, --, Curriculum, studies",, "Theses, --, Curriculum, studies"]]
颁布单位:[University of Alberta] |
颁布时间:1984 |
实施时间:1984 |
学科分类:[Koreans--Alberta, Native, language, English, language--Acquisition, Bilingualism, in, children, Native, language, and, education]
颁布单位:[University of Alberta] |
颁布时间:1978 |
实施时间:1978 |
学科分类:[Auditory, perception, in, children, English, language--Phonemics, Second, language, acquisition, Cree, language--Phonemics, English, language--Consonants, English, language--Study, and, teaching, (Primary)--Cree, speakers]