颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Sustainable, urban, development, --, South, Africa, --, Cape, Town",, "Economic, indicators, --, South, Africa, --, Cape, Town",, "Cape, Town, (South, Africa), --, Environmental, conditions",, "City, planning, --, Environmental, aspects, --, South, Africa, --, Cape, Town",, "Dissertations, --, Public, management, and, planning",, "Theses, --, Public, management, and, planning",, "School, of, Public, Leadership"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Primary, care, (Medicine)",, "Northern, Cape, (South, Africa)",, "UCTD"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["City, of, Cape, Town, (South, Africa)",, "Tygerberg, (South, Africa)",, "Ambulatory, medical, care",, "UCTD"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Witwatersrand] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Great, Karoo, (South, Africa), --, Social, life, and, customs",, "Colored, people, (South, Africa), --, Northern, Cape, --, Music.",, "Popular, music, --, South, Africa",, "Colored, people, (South, Africa), --, Songs, and, music"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2010 |
实施时间:2010 |
学科分类:[["Education, --, Aims, and, objectives, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape, --, Case, studies",, "Deliberative, democracy, in, education, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape, --, Case, studies",, "Organizational, learning, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape, --, Case, studies",, "Education, and, state, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape",, "Educational, policy, studies",, "Western, Cape, (South, Africa)., Education, Dept."]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2010 |
实施时间:2010 |
学科分类:[["HIV, (Viruses)",, "Meningococcal, infections",, "Medical, audit",, "Western, Cape, (South, Africa)",, "UCTD"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2010 |
实施时间:2010 |
学科分类:[["Public, administration, --, Study, and, teaching, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape",, "Training, of, public, officers, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape",, "Civil, service, employees, --, Education, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape",, "Western, Cape, (South, Africa)--, Officials, and, employees, --, Training, of.",, "Dissertations, --, Public, management, and, planning",, "Theses, --, Public, management, and, planning",, "School, of, Public, Leadership"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2010 |
实施时间:2010 |
学科分类:[["Gangsterism",, "Cape, Flats",, "Family",, "Faith",, "Communities",, "Dissertations, --, Practical, theology",, "Theses, --, Practical, theology",, "Gangsters, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape",, "Gangs, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape",, "Church, and, social, problems, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape",, "Western, Cape, (South, Africa), --, Social, conditions"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2009 |
实施时间:2009 |
学科分类:[["Language, shift",, "Bilingualism",, "Dissertations, --, Linguistics",, "Theses, --, Linguistics",, "Colored, people, (South, Africa), --, Social, life, and, customs",, "English, language",, "Western, Cape, --, Beaufort, West, --, Social, conditions"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2009 |
实施时间:2009 |
学科分类:[["Dissertations, --, Sport, science",, "Theses, --, Sport, science",, "Physical, education, and, training, --, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape, --, History",, "Colored, people, (South, Africa)--, South, Africa, --, Western, Cape, --, Education, --, History"]]