With the objectiveto evaluate levels of available phosphorus (aP) in diets for pigs selected formeat deposition by maintaining the calcium and available phosphorus ratio, itwas used 50 commercial hybrid female pigs with initial weight of 30.32 ±0.29 kg, distributed in a complete randomized experimental design, with fivetreatments, five replicates, and two animals per experimental unit. Treatmentswere composed of a corn-soybean meal basal diet and four diets obtained by supplementationof basal diet with dicalcium phosphate, resulting in diets with 0.144; 0.224;0.304; 0.384 and 0.464% of aP. Calcium levels were adjusted by varying the quantitiesof limestone in the diets. There was no effect of aP on both daily feed intakeand feed conversion. Levels of aP affected daily weight gain which increasedquadratically up to the estimated level of 0.372%. There was no effect of aPon quantity of phosphorus in the bones. The quantity of calcium in the bonesand percentage of ash in the bones were influenced in an increasing linear wayby the aP in the rations. The best result of weight gain of swine females, from30 to 60 kg, genetically selected for meat deposition, is provided by the levelof available phosphorus of 0.372%, which corresponds to a relationship withcalcium of 2.06:1 and to a daily intake of 8.20 g of available phosphorus.