The anal fissure is a laceration of the analcanal related to trauma, hypertonic sphincter and ischemia. The majority healsspontaneously or with conservative treatment and only a few requires surgicaltreatment. The objective of this study is to verify the clinical results andmanometric alterations of patients submitted to the surgical treatment of theanal fissure with advance of v-y skin flaps. Methods: Prospective study, accomplishedin 2007,2008 and 2009, in witch nine patients with chronic anal fissure weresubmitted to v-y advance. The pressures of the anal canal at rest, contractionand at evacuation effort were evaluated in the pre and postoperative. Results:In the sample, all the patients had presented previous hypertonic sphincter.six (66.6%) had gotten total resolution of the symptoms and the injuries. One(16.6%) suffered partial dehiscence of the flap, without clinical symptoms;and another two (22,2%), infection with loss of the same and persistence ofthe fissure. The manometric analysis of the pressures at rest, contraction andevacuation did not show significant statistical alteration (p> 0,05), whatproves that the surgery did not manipulated the sphincters. Conclusion: Theanal flap had revealed an effective treatment of the anal fissure with totalhealing of the injury, without alterations in the pressures of the sphincters.